Empties Review January 2020

Product Empties Review – January 2020

Hello my dears! Its the beginning of a new year and I wish you all a very happy & lovely year ahead. How are you all and what are your resolutions? My resolution is to be consistent with my skincare and blogging. Its been 3 months since my last post and trust me, these 3 months have been the craziest and I couldn’t write blog posts. However, I was a little active in Instagram. Follow my Instagram account, if you haven’t already. You can find mini reviews, unboxing videos and some fun stuff like Mini Monday, Texture Tuesday, Pink Wednesday etc. Today, I am reviewing some empties which I have been collecting in the past few months. Click on the Read More button to find out which of these I enjoyed using.

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Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Clarifying Face Pack

Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Clarifying Face Pack Review

Hello ladies! How have you been? I am back with a review of a face pack which I brought during my initial days of face masks addiction. I have oily and acne prone skin and face packs are my best friends. Whenever I come across a face pack which I feel would benefit my skin, I immediately grab them. This was one such purchase as it claimed to clarify the skin. Read on to know whether this purchase was worth it.Read More »